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An Interview With Lola Black

January 4, 2016

Lola Black effortlessly blends hard rock, metal, punk and dark sophistication.   The band was on fire in 2015, and we have no doubt 2016 will be no different. 


We had the pleasure of talking with Lola recently about what's happening currently with the band, and what we can expect coming up:


ON REQUEST: Tell us about the idea and thoughts behind the single, "Sorrow & Sin."

LOLA BLACK:  There has always been an inner darkness inside of me. I was always encouraged to suppress it seeing that I was raised in the strict Catholic faith. Keeping it bottled up was eating me up alive and I'm a very rebellious person by nature. So that just wasn't sitting well with me. So now it's time to release it and let it speak for itself. The first installment happened to be "Sorrow & Sin".

OR:  What was the process like working with Bob Marlette on the track?


LB:  Working with Bob was a bloody dream come true! He is a major Rock guru to me. He is the swift kick to my ass that I needed to get the fuck out of my comfort zone. He is helping me to explore parts of my voice that I didn't know existed. He is giving the guys and myself the tools we need to blow this fucker up. The whole process takes a lot of time & work! Here is the deal... If this shit was easy, everyone would be doing it! We just happen to be the right stubborn assholes who love to get knocked down just to get right back up...Swinging!


OR:  Is this single going to be part of a future EP or Album?

LB:  Sorrow & Sin is actually 1 of 3 singles created with Bob Marlette. I'm not certain if the trio will make the album or if they are just a precursor to the album. Shit we might even revamp them for the album, who knows. Hmmm, Decisions...Decisions.

OR:  How would you describe your band's overall style, and how would this single set it apart from your previous work?

LB:  Our style is constantly evolving. We thrive to be the bigger & badder versions of ourselves. Always looking to outdo ourselves and become stronger.


OR:  Are you planning on any tours or shows with the release of this single or in the future?

LB:  Tours... Yes! Shows...Yes! I'm not sure on the specifics of what 2016 holds for us yet but opportunities always seem to present themselves to us around spring time.

OR:  What is your vision for the band and the band's career?

LB:  My vision for the band's future is to keep to moving, learning, and evolving! We are all lifers in the music world & We are here to stay!!!


OR:  Tell us something about yourself that isn't already out there in the internet realm?

LB:  We are Lola Black...we come in peace and can't wait to shred your face with our sweet jams! LOL!!!


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