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'Wanderlust' Is Marina City's Calling Card

Ernest Avina

Have you ever wanted to add more edge or more grit to the pop hits of today? Well one band knows how you feel, and have brought a very real, intense rock flavor to vocals that could easily appear in today's top 40. One of Chicago's best up and coming bands, Marina City, is set to release their 3rd EP, Wanderlust, and with it they are showing the world what real music in popular culture could and should sound like. A mixture of Dashboard Confessional, Coldplay and Eve to Adam, the bands self proclaimed style of "Agressive Pop-Rock" is sure to captivate audiences around the world. Their unique blend of hard rock music and emotional, captivating vocals is something that is rarely seen anymore. Whether it's the fast paced action of songs such as "I Can't Love You", or the more toned down, heart-swelling vocals in songs like "Keep Your Faith in Me", Marina City is showing the industry a whole new world of pure rock music. Fans of both rock and roll and modern pop hits will be thoroughly satisfied when they get to hear the musical stylings of Marina City. It has fast paced, face-melting rock, gut-wrenching ballads and a heart and soul to the music that is reminescent of late 90's, earl 2000's rock. Marina City is not to be missed, and you guys should definitely pick up their latest EP, Wanderlust, now!

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