I imagine that we all figured "The Last Sting" was in fact Scorpions last tour ever in 2012. Well in fact they stated this, but as we have seen before sometimes artists aren't quite ready to retire. Especially if they have more music to express to the world. Apparently this was the case for the Scorpions with a brand new album out called "Return To Forever". But lets not overlook the biggest fact is that this year marks their 50th Anniversay which makes for a perfect exit. Queensryche opened up for the Scorpions and are slotted to support the Scorpions North American tour. They are currently supporting their new release Condition Human. This heavy metal band was a great fit to the bill and from the buzz I heard in the pit everyone states they think the new singer Todd La Torre is better. This was my first time seeing them live and I was impressed at his vocal range and interaction with the other bandmates. Straight up great metal with lots of solos and constant drum fills. I'm glad I finally got to see them live. Scorpions came out huge as to be expected opening up with their new hit song Going Out With A Bang. They rocked into Make It Real and really turned it up with The Zoo. Klaus Meine's voice is still flawless hitting every note. Rudolf Scheneker/guitar, Matthias Jabs/guitar, Pawel Maciwoda/bass and James Kottak/drums all looked healthy and super happy to be playing again. These guys have been together for a long time and have rocked the world over many times. The stage was huge and each musician took turns going out on the 20 foot catwalk (well it felt like 20 feet) playing for the crowd and photographers laying down their solos. The sound and lighting was perfect. There was a huge screen set up behind the drum kit that displayed really cool images, colors and at times projected the musicians larger than life. Apparently they played 18 songs in total and their was a massive light show. Unfortunately I was not able to stay for the conclusion of the show as their was a misunderstanding or should I say mishap with my ticket being scanned prior to the show. Got to love the security when they ruin your night. But from the 8 songs I saw I knew this was going to be a show that would forever stay in your memory. The Scorpions never falter to "Rock You Like A Hurricane" Scorpions are on tour now and you can track them from the link below The Scorpions on Facebook To see more photos from this show, visit our PHOTOS page.