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Live Review - SLASH Featuring Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators

Raven Divito

Slash made his claim to fame with Guns N' Roses in the early 80's thru the 90's. Before the break up he started Slash's Snakepit and then he created a super group of musicians in Velvet Revolver. Slash has three solo albums out and continues to raise the bar in every side project. I have remained a big fan since the beginning and was extremely stoked to obtain a photo pass for his new project, Slash with Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators at the Hollywood Palladium on this warm October evening. I made a point to get to the show super early to assure a good parking spot and check out the venue since I have never been to the Hollywood Palladium and of course this show was SOLD OUT!. Fans had already started lining up by 6:00 pm and the doors weren't open until 8pm. I couldn't help but flash back to the 80's when I would wait for hours outside a show with my friends sharing stories of shows we have gone to, are going to and just talking about bands and music in general. Good times! Walking amongst the crowd alongside Sunset Blvd there was a massive energy that flowed. I saw so many different Guns N' Roses t-shirts, a few of Slash's Snakepit and Velvet Revolver as well. I was sporting my Guns N' Roses t-shirt. Feeling extremely nervous wanting to capture fantastic shots hoping some would be approved by management (yes, Slash has a waiver that photographer's must sign stating pictures must pass approval with management prior to exposure). Ok I can flow with this and worst case scenerio they don't approve any, but hey I got a photo pass and would have photos for my portfolio. The opening band was RavenEye from the UK and they exploded right out of the gate. They delivered High Energy Rock N' Roll that ignited the fans. Lead by a multi-award winning guitarist/singer Oli Brown, this trio is not to be missed! I was more than elated to see that Slash would pick an Amazing opening band, sometimes this isn't always the case. There was a 45 minute break in between bands which gave all the straglers time to pack in tight on the floor and try and find a place that wasn't already claimed in the upper level. There was a large banner stretched along behind the drummer that read SLASH in bold letters with Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators. I noticed two large canons on each side of the stage which looked like there would be confetti shot out over the crowd. I thought this is going to be Huge...I can feel it! The house music stopped and the crowded roared as Slash came running out across the stage followed by the rest of the band. WOW!! Immediate goose bumps rose on my neck as I locked into position right in front of Slash on stage left. I just realized at this very moment I was watching and shooting one of the top 10 best all-time guitarists ever. Let's be honest, I really was here for Slash and stayed with him almost through the opening song "You're A Lie" from their 2012 album Apocalyptic Love. But when they rolled into "Night Train" ( a Guns N' Roses hit ) , I couldn't help but realize the uncanny resemblance that Myles Kennedy had of Axel Rose and Myles vocals were over the top as good if not better. I should of expected Slash would have Amazing musicians and of course a lead singer that could carry his own. This definitely proved to be true throughout the evening. Slash continued to awe the fans with his quick signature guitar riffs and gallops across the stage in and out of the fog effects. This was massively incredible! They played three songs off their 2012 album, more than a handful of Guns N' Roses hits including "You Could Be Mine", "Welcome To The Jungle", "Rocket Queen" and the encore "Paradise City". Slash and Myles left us with a night to remember playing 20 magnigicent songs that will be forever etched in our souls. I highly encourage all you Rock N' Rollers to get out and experience first hand Slash's new project with Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators, you will be throughly energized! For more photos from this epic show, click here!

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