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James Brant Soothes Our Soul With 'Strange By Design'

Anthony Avina

Making the jump from band member to solo artist can be a challenging experience for anyone, and yet in his first solo debut album, Strange by Design, James Brant comes across as effortless and flawless, exuding a soft melody and creative flow that brings to mind artists such as Dashboard Confessional, Michael Penn and Death Cab for Cutie. The folk and rock singer/songwriter has produced and recorded a stellar album in his home studio, Sweaty Dog Studios.

The Pennsylvania native captures that emotional indie sound that has so profoundly blown up in the music scene within the last few years. Listening to the album, I almost picture an indie dramedy playing out, (perhaps a dramedy produced by Judd Apatow himself). The fast tempo of the guitar work when combined with the soft yet heart-warming vocals makes this a stand-out performance.

With songs such as "Knew Myself," "Prima" and "Know You," the album is a great look into the deeper complexities of life and the emotional spectrum we all ride every day. Having spent his music career in three previous bands, including the more popular Transient back in 2003-2006, this first solo outing proves that creativity and passion reign supreme in James Brant's heart, mind and soul, and it seeps out elequently into his music. The album is available now, and you guys should definitely pick up your copies today!



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